Penny per Postcard Community Fund

Postcards have long been a way to stay in touch with loved ones and to show friends and family that you’re thinking of them.  Cornflower’s postcards are now also a way to give back to the community by helping charitable causes – meet the Penny per Postcard Community Fund.   

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We are proud of this initiative which sees us donate a penny from the sale of every postcard or bookmark, to a community fund administered by a committee of Cornflower staff. Postcards are the most numerous item we produce for our customers, and a product that the vast majority order, allowing all to feel involved in supporting the community.  Last year we supplied some 1 million items in the postcard and bookmark category.  

Between February and December 2024, we raised over £8,000 for community projects and charities of employees’ choosing.  Thank you to our customers for being part of something meaningful by choosing us to produce their postcards and bookmarks.  


Giving back to our local community

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Cornflower is proud to support Newbury Soup Kitchen, a wonderful local charity that supports the homeless in Newbury and surrounding areas.  NSK provides not only hot meals, but non-judgmental help including dental care, haircuts, access to a community nurse and clothing for interviews.  As well as our monthly donation to the Newbury Soup Kitchen, Cornflower staff also have the opportunity to volunteer to support this amazing charity.  


"We are thrilled to have the generous support of all our corporate Soup Dragons, their donations enable a regular income for our charity to allow us to increase our provisions and support for the homeless community across Newbury and West Berkshire."

Meryl Praill
Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Newbury Soup Kitchen


Match Funding

Cornflower is also pleased to offer match funding of sponsorship to any challenges employees undertake to raise money for charities close to their hearts.  We believe in supporting staff members through individual and group charity efforts, recently a sponsored hike supporting Cancer Research. 

Cornflower is a company with community at its heart and we hope our customers, like us, can be proud of their contributions towards so many great causes.  

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